Monday, November 28, 2005

I'm working on it, I'm working on it!

Geez! Trying to upload all these pictures is a bitch. I'm up to 500 and something pictures now in my camera...I really need to transfer them all to a CD so I can delete everything and start over. Then, when I get just about finished, it says there was a disconnection between the camera and the computer or something, and I have to start all over again!

But, I did change the picture on my profile to my new tattoo, so you've all got something new to look at!

Now I have to go exchange the jacket I bought Friday for the Christmas party we are going to this Friday...I went conservative with all black, but all I can think about is the red and black one...the other one I had to choose from. And just when has it ever been me to go conservative anyway??? I used to wear leather pants and "that red dress" to the Exxon stuff just because is WASN'T conservative. So...I'm going with the red!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Hayley, honey...are you bored??? lol!

No, the tattoo didn't hurt. I have another one on the other side of my ankle, and that one didn't hurt either. Nothing hurts after you've delivered an 8+ pound baby out of your hoo-ha. rofl!

It hurt Steven though! lmao!

So, I went and got my Starbucks fix...the camera shouldn't give me any problems now, huh? And I went to a scrapbooking store and got lots of stuff...paper, yarn, ribbons, people cut outs...I must have spent an hour in there! I need to quit shopping and just get something done! And let me tell you...little E Claire wasn't so sweet while we were there! lol!

Hope you're feeling better!