Tuesday, March 13, 2007

If the word "vagina" is offensive to you, quit reading now!

*Other less PC words are used to describe the word "VAGINA", also. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or nasty...I'm just trying to make a point. If you don't like those types of words, don't read any farther.*

Thanks to fellow blogger, You da mom!, I was pointed in the direction of THIS article.

Three high school students were suspended from school for saying the word "vagina" during a reading from the excerpt from "The Vagina Monologues", by Eve Ensler! WTF!?! Why would you allow the reading if you are not allowed to say the words from the reading?!? This has got to be the most ridiculous form of banning I have ever heard of!

Yes, I have read the whole article, and yes, even the part where the girls agreed not to say the most hideous of words-VAGINA. But, come on, really...who trusts teenage girls? I was one...and believe me, if given the directive to say or not to say VAGINA, I would have said it. Ask anyone. Even my mom would have to admit to that one, as much as she would like not to! It's the exact reasoning that sent me flying to the bookstore, the library and friends' houses for books on the banned books list. Of course, I was and am a big reader, so if somebody made a big enough deal out of a book, I had to read it just so I would know what they were talking about. I know mom found more than one of those in my room, too.

Anyway, back to trusting teen-age girls and VAGINAS. If you do not want a particular word said at any event or reading, do not allow even the book to be in the reading, much less a direct quote with that exact word in it! The school administrators here are clearly the idiots. Any teenager, not just girls, will defy authority just about whenever possible.

The word VAGINA is one of the technically correct words to use when describing the female genital area. It is the word they use in Health class to describe that particular part of the body when the annual sex education lesson plan comes around. Certainly the teachers don't tell their students that giving birth includes phrases like, "baby grows in utereus", and "cervical dilation", and "the baby exits the body through the twat".

A VAGINA is a part of each one of those girls anatomy's, as it is every other woman's in the world. How is it supposed to make them feel when told that they are not allowed to name parts of their anatomy's, and that those words are bad? This truly upsets me, because I thought those days were long gone. Is it better, in fact, to call a VAGINA a pussy? Twat? Cunt? Does that make anyone feel better? Does that help their self-esteem? I know from firsthand experience that self-esteem building is just about the number one thing schools are focusing on these days, aside from academics, and I don't think using alternate words for VAGINA, like pussy, twat and cunt, or leaving out the word entirely, really fit that bill, and in fact, harkens back to the days when racial slurs were the norm, and when any race, other than the caucasian race, was inferior, less intelligent and frankly, not quite human...just a property that the white man controlled for his own needs.

Do we really want to go back to that?


Anonymous said...

This is 2007, right? Geeze Louise, you'd think it was 1907 from that article. As a person equipped with a VaJayJay, I find it offensive and pea brained.

Note to John Jay High School in Cross River, NY...
Vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say I am stunned to read about this, but unfortunately it seems women are still made to feel awkward about their own anatomy. How long are we expected to refer to our vaginas as a pee pee? What did they actually expect the girls to do? Were they supposed to make a bleep noise instead of saying vagina? So now, a vagina is offensive word? Seriously, I am ashamed for them.

Anonymous said...

U N B E L I E V A B L E.
And this from the country that must produce 90 % of the worlds pornography. What a tragic message to give our daughters :( They have obviously completely missed the point of the work they were supposed to be studying!!

Elizabeth said...

I've come to realize that some people are just too stupid to live. Unfortunately, they often are in a position of power.

I totally agree that it's ridiculas to ban the word vagina. Would they ban the word breast as well?

you da mom! said...

well, you were much more eloquent than i in my post! nice job. btw, i wonder how they introduced the play, like, "and now, a reading from The BLANK Monologues..." i don't get it.

Lauri said...


And of course I agree with everyone else! Kirsty-what you said about the porn is exactly right!

I thought we were just about over all of the double-standards...I guess I just hang out with too many liberals in large cities!