Very suddenly and unexpectedly. And calling her just a "best friend" doesn't seem right...she was more than that. It's not fair that we weren't sisters. Because if you say something about your "sister", people get it. (Plus, most sisters probably don't love and care about each other as we do.) If it's just your "friend", it's not that big of a deal. But she was a big deal. And I don't know what I'm going to do without her for the rest of my life. We figured we'd be old and senile, sharing a room in the nursing home and beating each other with our canes! And if we weren't senile and still remembered we were friends, we'd just hit the other old people with our canes! lol!
She didn't just leave me...she also left a husband and two sons. One starting high school next year, and one in middle school. I really don't know how they are going to do without her!
My eyes hurt so much I don't think I can make any more tears. I miss you Gayla, and I'm not accepting this and I want you back.
I am so, so sorry to read this news. My heart goes out to you and her family at this time, even though we haven't met, there's a universal understanding and sorrow that always accompanies this kind of news... how terribly sad for you all.
Time does help to heal a bit, thank god, but not as fast as we would like.
Hang in there.
Lauri, you have all the love I can send you. Hugs to you.
I am so sorry for you loss. Lots and lots of cyberhugs...
Delurking to say I´m so sorry for your loss. So sad to hear this terrible news.
Wow, that is terrible. Sorry for your loss!
my thoughts are with you today.
Hi, I just stumbled onto your blog, about losing your best friend. Today, my best friend in the whole world died too. Her name was Debbie and she was diagnosed with cancer on December 26, 2009. We thought she had a year, but unfortunately they were wrong. I dont know how I will continue without her, she was truly a sister to me. The funeral will be this week, and I dont know how I will be able to go and not end up as a puddle on the floor. Maybe you can give me some advice. I dont have any other super close girlfriends or even parents to lean on. My husband is helping as much as he can, but I know he misses her just like I do. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello to whoever is reading this. I am so sorry for your loss, but your words made me feel like you might understand. I lost my best friend a month ago to a hit and run. I've dealt with loss my whole life. My dad killed himself when I was 6. Then my grandma and grandpa passed, then another very close friend was killed a few months ago, but it's nothing like losing Nate. We were so close even his family understood and just signed next of kin to me. We had so many plans and lived together for the last 3 years. I can't even function right anymore. I can't take care of myself anymore. I pray every night that somehow I die in my sleep so I can be with my loved ones again. I'm not suicidal cause the only way I would do it would be with cyanide and that's super hard to get. Anyway I just don't want to keep going anymore. I don't even know why I'm posting on here and hope the original poster can reply and talk to me cause it seems like no one really can understand how I feel. I need help. My e mail is half_soul0208 @ live dot com. Please no one email me unless you have been through this and can help. Helping is not telling me to call some suicide line or whatever.
Thank you to anyone who can email me and help.
My best friend was born sixteen days after me. Our parents were all with the airlines, our moms were roommates since they were 18, and we grew up living together until we were 6. I moved away at 6 but until the age of 19 I always saw him a few times a year. I moved to the philippines at 25 years old (I am 31 now), I have been back to the US twice during that time. The first time he came to stay at my parents place with me for a week, the second time was last month. I hired him to come live with me and work for me here in Manila. I spent almost the entire month with him (business meetings etc), then today he was suppossed to get on a plane to fly here. Well before he left his buddies in Dallas had a going away party for him, and on his way to the party he was in a car accident and killed. I was so excited for him to come here. I am in a serious relationship and joked with him before I came back that me hiring him was a ploy to make sure he kept his promise from when we were 3 years old that we would be the best man at each others weddings (since it is so far for him to come now he would have already been here). I literally found out 3 hours ago and am sitting in my office alone not knowing what to do. My solace is that the circumstances are so messed up and unbelievable (what are the odds of it happening right before he left, right after I got to spend that last time with him), that it must be meant to be and must have been his time. RIP CF!!!!
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