Monday, May 15, 2006

Weekend Word Challenge

These were not taken this weekend, but I'm entering them anyway...

Mothering: When we brought Frida and Remy home when they were tiny kittens, they immediately took to this wooden chicken I had on the table, filled with apples, as a centerpiece. They would cuddle up against it and sleep with it all day and night. I finally decided they had adopted it as their 'mother', and they needed it more than my table did. I took the apples out and took it off the table, named it their "Chicken Mama" and gave it to them. Since the apples were out, they could curl up inside of it and sleep that way. They LOVED that chicken! This is a picture of Frida in her Chicken Mama.

Wonder: Hmmmm...I wonder what this button right here does...*FLASH!*

Oh. Okay.


Freakazojd said...

Oh, the kitty, she is SO cute!! I just love that she has a "chicken mama." :)

turquoise cro said...

Awwwwwww! That's a sweet story!!!Frida looks soooo comfy in there! LOL

Odd Mix said...

ROFL! A chicken mama for cats. And the wonder shot made me laugh so much.