Friday, January 27, 2006


Mom and Dad were supposed to come up this weekend. But, since last Thursday, Mom has been having really bad pain in her abdominal area. She has been to the doctor 3 times in the last week, and the last time she went he told her it was probably 'diverticulitis' (sp?). Gave her some pain meds, blah, blah, blah, come back for a colonoscopy.... That was Wednesday. Apparently the pain meds weren't touching it, and she ended up in the ER about 5:00 this morning in really bad pain. They are running tests and all that. I'm wondering if it's her gall bladder. I don't know much about the other thing, but I have experienced gall bladder pain myself, and it's a killer!

My dad called before the kids left for school, so I was trying to explain that Nana wouldn't be up here this weekend, but they are in total denial! They think the doctor will just wave his magic wand and she will appear here later today or tomorrow. Poor things! They love their Nana! Nothing but a bunch of Nana Babies!


mamatulip said...

That sucks, I'm sorry! I know gall bladder pain can be brutal -- so can kidney stones, from what I hear. I hope she's able to visit soon.

vicci said...

I hope your mama feels better soon! Poor kids...have them make her a "get well" card!